пятница, 23 декабря 2011 г.

Anyone can manage energy

Anyone can manage energy
To become independent of society and himself to start a new life for which we are all by nature, we must learn to control over their energy. Must destroy the vicious circle of inclusion in our energy-field produced by pathologically oriented human society.Not be ruled out that a lot of things about which I will tell you at first seem somewhat non-obvious, questionable, and perhaps even absurd. But try all the same even for the sake of the experiment to follow my recommendations. And you'll find that you'll get a whole new world. And your life will find another, much deeper, its true meaning.
Are you afraid that you can not learn it? Do you think that is almost impossible to control the energy? Entirely in vain. Do you want to make sure that you can do right now? Please.
All you need to do - fill a glass with water and put it on the table before him. Dip a toe in the water - all that's at least pointing the right hand. Now remove the finger and look at it. You see - the water ran down from his finger fast enough? Now somknite hand, press them together and sit a moment with closed palms. Then disconnect them and grasp the two palms glass. Try to feel your hands behind the walls of the water glass. Then again dip into the water finger. You'll notice that now the water rolls off him as if unwillingly, much slower than the first time.
What happened to the water? It's very simple: your own field, centered between your hands, has impacted the water in the glass so that it changed its liquid-crystalline structure. This happened when you were holding a glass with both hands.
Sure that you can work on the water with its energy? But this is a natural property, mortgaged to you by nature. Just before you unknowingly have never used it. This property is inherent in every person and every person is able to manage bioenergy since its birth. But man, growing up, falls in energy traps of the material world and forgets that this is his innate ability. You just have to re-think how it's done - and the whole world is open before you.
A man must know the energy structure of the body and be able to use it.
Energetics of the human body
Healing without medicine
To learn how to manage their own energy, which depends on health, we must first get an idea of ​​what the band structure of man, how it functions and how to affect the state of our body.
Modern medicine, with all due respect to it, often comes to a man than as a complex multi-dimensional energy-system, not as a microcosm of this, but as a primitive mechanism, which can help with a cold chisel and a screwdriver: screw twisted - and everything is in order.
But man - it's not just a collection of organs, which can be too much to cut, sew on missing caused disruptions to adjust medication. The human body - is an enormous complexity of design, parts of which are in strong interactions. It is impossible to perceive a person as a set of unrelated components among themselves. Otherwise the problem will fall one by one: the organ was cured - and the disease is right there, spread to the other. Come up with antibiotics, began using them to suppress viral diseases - and the body took and responded with a decrease in immunity. In fact, why him immunity, why resist the disease itself, when it still comes from outside substances that can inhibit this disease?
Hence, by the way, and AIDS - the plague of the twentieth century. Because AIDS - is a syndrome of immunodeficiency. Why become immune deficiency? Because in the course of the evolution of a deadlock, he simply die for "unnecessary" - by including the victorious march across the planet of antibiotics and other drugs.
Herbal crisis - the so-called current state of medicine, many professionals. No coincidence that even the doctors are increasingly turning to Eastern medicine advances. Because Oriental medicine treats man as a unified power structure rather than as a mechanical conglomeration of bodies. Man, according to Oriental medicine, this is an energy system that is at the level of energy is closely connected with the world.
We have already figured out: a man - it's not just the body. But its power is, of course, there is a body. The first level of management processes in our bodies, manage their own health - is the management of energy flows of the body. You will soon discover that the energy flows that occur in the body, are a continuation of Energy and the structures responsible for consciousness - and so they can be consciously controlled.

In Fig. 8. Like a river that feeds the energy of the universe the energy flows of human nature.
In a healthy human body energy, and energy of consciousness are in harmony.Everyone knows that a healthy body and healthy spirit. But we can say in another way: without a healthy mind is not a healthy body.
The ancient Eastern medicine has made great strides in influencing the energetics of the body, and proved that by adjusting the flow of energy occurring in the human body, can really affect human health, treat disease. And we must not take drugs or wield a scalpel.
In traditional Chinese medicine that energy known as chi, or qi - hence Chi Kung.Yogis call this energy prana - hence pranayama, so-called special breathing techniques.
According to the ancient views, this energy circulates through special channels, which permeated the entire human body. And all human diseases are associated with impaired circulation of this energy, with its excess or deficiency. So, to overcome the disease, we must learn to adjust these flows, return them to balance.
How? That's just this purpose and is a famous Japanese acupressure and no less famous Chinese acupuncture. Incidentally, this method exists in Russian folk medicine - is not nothing but a leech therapy, or as it is called scientifically, hirudotherapy. And the needle is in the hands of Chinese doctors, and Japanese acupressure, and our own leech - a way to adjust the movement of energy.Influencing certain, also known to mankind since ancient times, the biologically active points, ancient healers knew that the way you can unlock the "jammed" in the channels of energy, and then it begins to flow smoothly and evenly, it is to an extent which is necessary for health.
There are many different methods of oriental medicine. This is called acupressure, and acupuncture, auriculotherapy, and it (the treatment of ear, on which there are many biologically active points), and sudzhok therapy (Korean method that translates as "hand-stop" when the effect produced on the wrist band and feet that correspond to different organs of the body). In order to be treated by these methods do not necessarily go to the East - experts, and quite good, quite a lot now and in Russia. One can cite many examples of how these methods will return people to life, helping to get rid of incurable, seemingly disease.
Oriental medicine and really works wonders. Patients with asthma after treatment seem to forget about the inhaler, suffering from a stomach ulcer - the pain and diets.And the fact of their treatment and confirms the official medicine. In one of the clinics where doctors are trying to combine the achievements of modern Western medicine with ancient Eastern knowledge, an experiment was performed: patients who have undergone acupuncture, and then subjected to the most modern methods of examination - ultrasound, x-ray, thermal imaging techniques and so on. And medical technology confirmed that yes, indeed in one patient with kidney stones have disappeared, another patient resorbed gastric ulcer, the third was chronic chronic bronchitis.
Well, to make sure that the Eastern methods of cure, even an almost incurable disease like psoriasis, technology does not require it and the patients and their relatives and friends can see my own eyes.
Today, this method of treatment as reflexology, already recognized by official medicine. Made up of numerous atlases of the energy channels and bioactive points. It would seem to be easy: all together run an appointment with the specialist on Eastern medicine, adjust the power - and forward to your health!
But ... As always, there is a little out of place "but" we should only light up with hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Cured patients cheerfully at first, eventually face the unfortunate fact that walking on techniques to healer they will now have until the end of life. They were in a heavy dependence on the methods of acupuncture or acupressure, resort to which they have more and more and more. Insidious disease tends to return. And if she does not return to its previous form, then the man befall, as a rule, some other misfortune.
What's the matter? It turns out that, again, and another, and the third by adjusting the energy flowing through the channels, no needle, no massage does not eliminate the cause of the disease, affecting only the result, which are the painful symptoms.Hence, the cause of disease lies not in the energy channels, but somewhere deeper. Where is it?
The central energy flow
We have already talked about that energy of the human body is closely related to energy of his mind. One without the other does not exist, one affects the other. And those energy channels, dealt with by the Oriental medicine, are secondary to the main flow of energy that permeates the human body and connects it with what is called consciousness.
You can compare this basic energy flow into the trunk of the tree, which runs branches - secondary energy flows. If sick or twisted, or covered with hollow shaft itself, we can, of course, for some time trying to adjust it by pulling on the branch - but sooner or later come to what is necessary to treat all the same trunk.
Similarly, acting on the energy channels in the methods of Oriental medicine, can only temporarily improve health, but it is impossible to eliminate the causes of the disease. For the reason - just a distortion of the main flow of energy. Of course, this distortion also has its own reasons, and this we will talk again. But if it is possible to correct this most basic flow, it automatically normalizes the flow of energy in the energy side channels. Only then comes the real health - and physical, and emotional.
People en masse are not aware of the laws of life, the laws of the existence of a complex energy-structure called the "man". And so are false, by: poison the body with unnecessary drugs, are difficult, painful and expensive medical procedures.And do not realize that this is the same as that to patch holes in the old worn suit, whip up a white thread grab holes, while the costume requires a complete redrawing and updating.
Fundamental principle of health - healthy energy. People who failed to understand this, and be clean energy, no longer need any doctors or healers, psychics either.Because they know that our source of health - in ourselves.
Now back to the question of what constitutes the main energy flow. We shall understand that interpretation over the centuries of accumulated human knowledge about the nature of energy flow, which is the essence of man.
This stream consists of two streams that flow in opposite directions - one upward and one downward. One stream comes from the earth, and the second - from the Cosmos. It is these two streams to form the whole power of the person. The man - a combination of the two streams, and that's it!
One can imagine a man, his physical body and its energy shell as a bead, hanging freely on the two vertical passing through it a thread - threads.

In Fig. 9. A healthy person is a bit like a star - its central energy flows easily and freely branched, circulating throughout the body.
In Fig. 10. If there is a central obstacle to the flow, then he bent over the body and disperses evenly. And people are affected.
Here, it is necessary to make a clarification: the energy flows are, of course, not directly in the physical body, they are the subtle energy structure, which penetrated the body. Therefore, human anatomy and flow of energy channels do not tell you - find them in the physical body with the naked eye can not. However, each of them has its own "territory": going from bottom to top is about two fingers in front of the spine in men and four fingers - for women; flow is coming from outer space, from top to bottom, is located very close to the spine.
Flow going from the bottom - is the energy flux of the Earth, the energy of the physical world, which sends the Earth cosmos. It supplies energy mainly for coarse power of human interaction with the outside world. It takes place in the heart of the energy of the human being and goes into space.
Flow supplies energy to the top of the Cosmos, spatial information, which ensures that the "divine spark" of consciousness. We have already said that man is capable of receiving information from the energy-field of the Universe. It is just through the current top-down space flow. The flow of the cosmos, too, is the center of the power of the human being, not mingling with the flow of the Earth, and goes into the Earth.

In Fig. 11. As a lily flower at the same time drink water and breathe air, and the man gets his life energy from the cosmos and the Earth.
Owing to the interaction of these flows is formed human energy shell. Because the human body is designed so that he can capture the energy of the Earth and Space, refine it and to adapt to their needs.
The chakras - energy centers of the human
Our gross physical body - this is just a "machine", designed to ensure the existence of the brain and consciousness. This is only material support for thin structures of Energy. Therefore, the energy flows are primarily aimed at providing energy-structure of consciousness. A power of the body associated with energy-consciousness with the help of such an important part of the energy structure of man as the chakras.
The concept of chakras - energy centers of man - come to us again from the East.The chakras are just in order to convert the energy of the two streams coming from the Earth and from space, in a slightly different form, which is acceptable for human beings. With their help, these rather stringent emission as it softened and modified to meet the needs of human existence.
Naturally, the chakras are also not in the dense physical body, and in the subtle energy body. Nevertheless, each of them associated with specific anatomical areas to which it adjoins. Therefore, when damaged, sick chakras corresponding organs.
It is in the chakras is an accumulation of energy derived from two divergent streams.With this chakra disperses energy throughout the body, on energy shell of a human body. That work provides the existence of chakras and energy envelope - a kind of cocoon around the body. The very same "bead", hanging on two streams. If the shell is a powerful, strong, shining brightly - a person is healthy. And as the shell forming the chakras, it is clear that human health and the state of his soul depends largely, if not all, of that good work whether its chakra.
In a healthy state of each chakra - is a small energy vortex, besides a glowing and radiant. If the chakra is affected, it pales and closes like a flower wilted. This is clearly distinguishable on color Kirlian photos.
In humans, the seven major chakras. They are located throughout the two central energy flows along the spine, in strictly designated location. Each chakra has its own name (bottom up):

1 - Muladhara
2 - Svadhisthana
3 - Manipur
4 - Anahata
5 - Vishuddha
6 - Ajna
7 - Sahasrara
Test of chakrasSelf-confidenceDetermined Chakra: Ajna and ManipuraThe levels of the chakras: the upper, lower, middleManifestation of the chakra at the event Please note: the chakras - seven. This is no accident. If you think about it, you'll find this as a sign of the beauty and harmony, according to the laws which exist both nature and man. Indeed, the frequency of his chakra radiation correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow and seven notes!So, people - it's a rainbow, man - this is music! Therefore, we designed the very nature seek to sound harmoniously and shine bright and clear light.

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