пятница, 23 декабря 2011 г.

Oil tycoons

Oil tycoons

The word "oil" known to mankind so long ago that no longer remember its original meaning. And it is, if you believe the bright minds in world history, languages ​​evolved through a series of passing Greek, Turkish, Persian and Akkadian language, and, finally, has found an absolutely logical expression - blink, or ignite.About 6 - 4 thousand years BC the product is used extensively in construction and road fishing on the banks of the Euphrates, and in ancient Egypt, the local oil tycoons used "black gold" for embalming the dead. But the time when the oil rig will be a symbol of success, independence and power, comes much later.
At the turn of the nineteenth century, some "progressive dalekovidnye businessmen" have suggested that the oil has a great future, but not as a means of lighting and energy source. The beginning of this historical process was started in the seventies, when for the first time as a fuel for ships that went to the Caspian Sea, have been used "remains," as in Russia named after the waste of kerosene in the distillation process, ie fuel oil. This change was due to simple necessity: Russia had to import coal from England, which was very expensive, and forests in some areas of the empire was not enough. Subsequently train the new Trans-Siberian Railway began to go no coal or wood, and the fuel oil. In Britain, the railways are sometimes shifted from coal to oil, to reduce smoke in the city, and in special cases and for security purposes, such as transportation of members of the royal house. But in general, coal continued to occupy the dominant position in the market, he served as the basis for rapid development of heavy industry in North America and Europe. He was also the main fuel of all trade and navies of the world.The situation changed at the end of the nineteenth century, which was marked by the worldwide oil boom. Demand has grown rapidly, offering him not kept pace, and prices rose. During this period, the oil business is so progressive, that is impossible to imagine a more profitable business. Formed and are certain rules that should be highlighted in red marker to those who seriously intend to conquer Everest oil.Imperative of the oil business is a very simple notion - those associated with it, are always in search of a balance. Investments in one sector businesses involve new investments in other sectors to ensure the safety of already invested funds. You can easily result in an obvious example, those who produce oil should provide markets that their oil was the price. As the founder of the corporation once said "Shell" Marcus Samuel: "Crude oil itself costs almost nothing and brings nothing. Looking markets." And for those who are engaged in oil refining is needed not only markets, but also to offer. In fact, unused refinery is only a mountain of scrap metal and rusting pipes. But those who are engaged in marketing, you need oil, otherwise they will have a loss.Although Marcus did his conclusions do not represent how things can change for some 100 years. At the present stage of development of the industry oil has become indispensable not only for technically valuable products, mainly motor fuels, solvents, raw materials for chemical industry, but also actively used as a source of valuable raw materials for production of synthetic rubber and fibers, plastics, detergents, plasticizers , dyes, etc.Accordingly, the value of oil is not reduced, despite the fact that its share in total consumption of energy will decrease due to increasing use of nuclear and other types of energy, as well as increasing the cost of production.For the average person or a businessman who is not familiar with this industry and is used to draw conclusions solely on feature films and pictures on TV, it seems that oil production is limited to the oil derrick and a pair of triple man who woke up in the morning, they saw a jet black substance and joyfully shout Now that they are rich.And as it turns out as soon as someone seriously intends to get into this business, everything is absolutely not true!Let's try a little more detailed talk about the oil business. Modern methods of drilling almost completely exclude the possibility, so to say, "Blow," and oil derrick is just part of the oil drilling device, which in general includes: drilling installations (oil derrick, tower foundation, walkways, shelves), round- lifting equipment (hoist, crown block, hook block), power equipment for driving the winch, the rotor and mud pumps (electric or diesel engines), equipment for rotating the drill string (the rotor), mud equipment (tanks, mud pumps, manifold), equipment for cleaning mud from cuttings; drilling mud mixing equipment (gidrovoronki, gidromeshalki, slurry pumps) blowout (BOP), privyshechnye facilities. Even if you do not immediately dismantled all these ominous words, at least, their number can be understood that this is not so simple.At the current stage of use forms a lot of types of oil rigs. Some of them reach a height of dvadtsatietazhnogo size of the building, others are on wheels, while others are located on the platforms and barges for drilling in the seabed - a unit called the oil platform.By the way, is the biggest platform, mining and oil and gas, is a platform Hayberniya, located in the ocean basin it. Joan of Arc in the Atlantic Ocean. Its base is attached to the seabed, covering 111 square meters, and the platform itself resembles a concrete island from a science fiction movie with serrated edges to withstand icebergs.About eighty five percent of the oil wells in the United States are the result of applying the method of rotary drilling in which the land is being introduced rapidly rotating auger. There are different kinds of drills for a variety of soil types. By borax attaches so-called drill pipe consisting of a ten-sections, called nodes, each of which weighs about two hundred pounds.Flat steel turntable keeps in an upright position and turn the tube that passes through it into the ground. With each turn of the drill pipe attached to it, bites deeper into the earth, and to it, respectively, can be increased for node node.In the process of drilling into the pipe pumped a special liquid, which cools and lubricates the drill. As soon as the hole becomes deeper, the pipe from time to time added to a long steel tube, called a casing.Since the blunt drill, going through a variety of rocks, it must be frequently replaced, and for this to pull out of the hole the entire tube, which is very laborious. Sometimes it to replace the drill pipe and drop back into the hole, leaving four to six hours.When the hole reaches the desired depth, the drill pipe to pull out, casing filled with a chemical composition, down to the bottom of the well. In order to open the way for oil in the well drops a special device that resembles a small cannon to punch holes in the pipe. Then pumped into the pipe water to remove the filling of its composition.In the borehole pressure increases, and finally, the oil begins to flow through the valve-open hole in the tank.Here at this point you can begin to rejoice and pour the black liquid.Now a little about expensive part of this project.As you already could guess, this is not a cheap pleasure, but profit from it is not measured by annual salary of the employee fast food industry. Thus, the price is not a new drilling rig for domestic, and foreign production will vary depending on the depth and diameter, but will average about 2 million U.S. dollar, the new well would cost in the region of 4 - 5 million of the same monetary unit But who thinks of these zeros! And, of course, do not forget the workers, which is nearly 100 staff who need to pay salaries.Of course, after all it may be read a number of issues in the resonator of the business. For example, how much oil we have left and how long can it last?Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine even approximately the date when the oil in the world will end. We can only say what ever she does will end. Because oil is a non-renewable resources.At present, the proven reserves amount to little more than 1 trillion barrels, which, while maintaining the current intensity of use, will last for about35 years. However, does this mean that after a specified period of time all the oil on the ground dries up? And then you can categorically answer - no! Since then, the first petroleum drilled the first well, thousands of analysts have predicted that in the very near future: in one, two, three decades on an industrial scale oil will not be used - it will be too little. But decades passed, and proved reserves grew not less but more and more. The more crude oil, the stronger became dependent on this resource, the more to invest in developing new methods of prospecting and exploration for new reserves of "black gold".And even if oil is still over, now there are many projects with other resources. This may be a gas, synthetic fuels, electric energy. Yes, and the development of technology is not standing still. The man now begins to use of renewable resources such as wind, water and sun.When oil production will fall and the cost increases to a certain level, will begin a large-scale transition to alternative energy sources. Most likely, this scenario will not be a surprise to the states.Well, in the near future the oil business is still one of the most lucrative and profitable. Goods made from oil, are obtained in much cheaper wind energy produced on either the sun. The situation with cars even more dramatic.The transition to more expensive resources means stunting GDP. Anyone who uses oil, gains in cost of goods. Moreover, the greatest way benefit those countries that use oil more intensely, because someday resources become more expensive, and the more they will have time to produce goods and services now, the more profit they receive compared with other nations.

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