пятница, 23 декабря 2011 г.

Consciousness affects matter

Consciousness affects matter
What is this energy which underlies everything - health and illness, good luck and bad luck, prosperity and insecurity? What is this energy that you have not yet learned to feel their senses? That electrical energy, for example - is another matter: even as palpable. But, mind you, radiation or radio waves, we also do not feel. Yet each of us one hundred percent sure that they actually exist. So it is with the energy-field, if you have not yet learned its sense, it does not mean that it is not.
It is energy-information field controls all biological processes. That it ultimately is the bearer of consciousness and the human soul. Energy-field organizes and directs the life and the existence of matter, since it is the primary lives.
The so-called principles of evolutionary self-organization of matter, which we are taught materialistic science - not true. Matter - from a living cell to the stars - would never have had that kind of what it is, do not be organizing principle: the energy-field. That it unites the whole world into one system. Without him the world would be chaos reigned.
Recall the theory of probability. After all, a purely statistical probability of such an association of molecules and atoms, which eventually give life, is very small, practically zero. Virtually impossible to accidentally appearance on Earth of the chemical composition of air and water, which can survive living organisms, such a concentration of ultraviolet radiation, which is warm but not burn, a climate in which a variety of living creatures will be comfortable, etc. Too many "random" coincidences, is not it?
All this "arranged" energy-field. That it has contributed to the organization of order out of chaos. It gave rise to life on Earth, which means you and me. Human consciousness, the soul - the essence of energy-structure.
The nature of the energy-fields do not already know. But it is, and is one of the fundamental and immutable elements of the universe.
But most interesting is that with the same energy-field of human consciousness can affect the world around us! Each of us can be the creator of your own universe, to create around the world that we need. Consciousness - the energy structure and able to influence the world around us. But people are not aware yet of his power - and so mired in sickeningly familiar, far and wide examination of the physical world, rather than open the door to real world - mysterious and immense in a world where they are waiting for limitless possibilities.

In Fig. 3. The field of human influence on the universe. Sounds a lot like a stone thrown into a pond.
Maybe you think that the impact of our energy with you too weak and insignificant, so that we can claim to be the creator and assume that we can affect the world? But scientists have long been convinced of the potential of bioenergy. Take, for example experiments conducted with psychics and Kulagina Davitashvili. And Uri Geller, who has for many years without contact pressure spoons and forks, look, and now teaches the same children? Numerous experiments were made public here in Russia, dating from about 40s. There is even a device for determining a person psychic abilities - it consists of a needle, suspended in a vacuum on a thin quartz fiber. Under the influence of psychic energy-needle begins to twist.
Studied science and is quite rare, as telekinesis - the ability of individuals to move objects, that is, an effort of will. A powerful psychic can focus, look closely, such as a matchbox - and box starts to jump on the table, and then falls to the floor.
Similar experiments were performed several times in the laboratory, the results recorded on photographic and videotape: Yes, indeed, may affect the consciousness of the material world. In our laboratory we have worked together 10-15 people who have psychic abilities. Peter Keldorovsky, for example, could look to hold and move the weight in air to 1 gram (1-a cheap coin) for 10-15 minutes. We even joked that, dragging eye diamond, he one day would become a millionaire.The project "Friendship" was attended by my count, about 500-600 people with a powerful psychic gift.
So what is the force should be this effect to make the move is quite significant, which has the weight and volume of a material object, to make up its molecules move at once in one direction? Granted, the energy in the usual sense, that is the direct action of the force to move objects were not at all! Just some of the molecules, which normally are in constant random motion, under the influence of psychic "somehow" made its regular thermal motion is not random, but in the right direction to him. No law of conservation of energy in this case was not disrupted.

Imagine what kind of power freed up energy-field! Because the molecules of any object at room temperature move at speeds of over hundreds of meters per second.And if they fly at the behest of the psychic in the same direction? Object, consisting of these molecules, instantly gain speed an artillery shell.
Science already knows how to fix not only the force of impact energy-field, but also to get it visible image. Most often, the field of human recorded by photography. This method is called Kirlian effect on behalf of the Russian researcher, received the first photographic image of what is called an aura, or energy envelope of the human body. The basis of this method is the ability of any living object to glow when placed in an electromagnetic field. We long ago learned not only to take pictures so the aura, but also to diagnose in its shape, size and color of human health. Below is a snapshot of the index finger of the aura.

Thus, the scientific evidence for the existence of energy-field are obtained. Today, with work not only psychics, witches and sorcerers, but also scientists in most countries of the world. To make this work accessible to everyone, it is necessary to resolve the issue, as should be based human interaction with the energy-field, how to make a conscious interaction.
Body - a car, energy-essence - the driver
Why do you still do not feel the impact of energy-field? Just because your feelings are still in a dormant state, such as shown in any previous training. But this is easily remedied: see first hand that there are energy-field, everyone can. So far, the field all the time is somewhere beyond your perception because you are about the same thing with the kittens, over which was placed a fairly well-known experiment.
Two kittens almost immediately after birth (when they only have the ability to see), the experimenters recorded the motionless head. And in this condition they were kept for several months. Head of the first cat fixed so that the front of his eyes were only vertical lines, and if it does things, they too were arranged vertically. Before the eyes of a kitten were second only horizontal lines and horizontally oriented subjects.
When the kitten finally let go and give them the opportunity to move as they want, it became an amazing thing. It turns out, kittens are absolutely not perceive objects located in unfamiliar directions. Thus, the first kitten all the time on the bar stools clash and could not cross the threshold - he stumbled and fell on him. He just did not see the threshold, because it is not learned to perceive the horizontal lines! The second kitten was constantly bumping into the legs of chairs and tables and stuffed myself cones.
The same way and we have to relearn how to take energy-field, because all our physical, material world - the culture and the society in which we are taught from birth adults prefer not to see this field, do not know of its existence, close to it the eye.And here we clash of millions of invisible to us "angles", and acquire the disease, and suffer from a lack of freedom, space and light in our lives. But the main thing - not only live, but die in prison. Whereas at large - for those who were able to achieve it - death is no threat to us all! He who has learned to feel your soul and consciously at one with it, keep control over it forever.

In Fig. 4. Square - a template for the perception of the material world; range - energy-substance. Range simply crawls into a square pattern.
You'll soon see for yourself what these powerful energy-interaction and control of the matter, which is woven from our own body. That they are "in charge" of all organs, tissues and systems of your body.
Your body - it's a car, and energy-essence, consciousness, the soul - the driver.Who controls the car? Of course, the driver. Not the same on his travels car! And you thought your body exists on its own, self-control? Certainly not! Who repairs the car, removes the problem? The same driver. And even if the car breaks down completely, such as old age, and it will send to landfill - the driver is not taken away to the dump after him. He's in a pinch and can be reached on foot.
But if the car is "imagined" that he was here the most important, to himself and the owner and driver, - then expect trouble. Tearing the steering wheel of a real driver and began to travel about as necessary, he would kill himself and the driver.
So we have to realize that the body - it is only "car", only means of transportation, only the servant of the present owner and a driver, which is our energy-substance.Body - servant shall in no case be given to the wheel, you can not let him play the role of the host.
You still do not believe that this is so? You continue to assume that the control center of man is not energy-substance, but something else - the brain, for example? But we know many cases where even with massive brain damage man was sane, sober memory and remains fully unconscious. Far for examples to seek. We all learned in his time on the works of Lenin. Some of these works were written when the chief of the proletariat has been dormant one hemisphere of the brain!
There are examples in our day. Newspapers have written about a fairly well-known and very talented people, residents of Ekaterinburg, which result in a street fight with the bullies was actually deadly defeat: he was beaten with a heavy cast-iron pipe on the head with the clear intention to kill. He survived several near-death, many months spent unconscious, but survived - and has retained all their talents and abilities, his intelligence does not hurt, survived an excellent memory. He now leads an active life, fond of sports, is engaged in a stormy public life, many travels around the country.And few people realize that a large part of his skull could not recover and had to make it out of ... plastic. And under that plastic skull only remnants of what once was called the brain. Yes, a great force of will, a lust for life helped him. But where, so to speak, geographically located, and this will lust for life when the brain is inactive?The answer is simple: in the Energy sectors.
One of the patients we observed near Novosibirsk was six years old girl who has spent more than a month in hospital in a state of cerebral coma, when the activities of all vital systems supported only by means of special equipment. Doctors were preparing parents for the worst, for they were convinced that the girl probably will not survive, and if it survives, it will be clearly inferior. In terms of our medicine, so long stay in a coma can not pass to the brain without a trace and as a result surely will start mental development.
Now it is perfectly normal child, not at all lagging behind their peers. Doctors do not find it any deviations and violations, and believe that a miracle occurred, because the explanations for this phenomenon, they can not give. But we are with you now know this explanation: the consciousness of "living" is not in the brain. It does not belong to the material world. It belongs to the world of energy-. In addition, the world itself, whose existence does not want to accept any economically-oriented society.And this is his great and fatal error.

In Fig. 5
After all, personal path of evolution of man lies not in the sphere of economic relations. This way lies not in society, and generally not in the physical world. The path of evolution designed man lies in the subtle world, the world's energy-. Man suffers precisely because it is trying to pave the way for its evolution in society and in society, in the physical world, not realizing that this is a false path. After all, nature itself is designed to develop, grow, evolve, energy-essence of man, not his body, not the shell, called the "human social". The human body and brain is so perfect, that homo sapiens have no more enemies in the biological world. The external environment is also no longer an issue. The body thus has exhausted its possibilities for further development - is no more barriers to be overcome! As an adaptation for the survival of the body has outgrown itself, and humanity, trying to keep the "life-body," a long time was at a standstill. Now, the main enemies of man - his people and products of its own activities: the environment, taxes, overpopulation.
In the society of human evolution can not be - must understand and internalize, and the sooner the better.
Human nature is intended to develop the ability to communicate with the energy-world. For those who want to survive in the twenty-first century, it is necessary.
False direction of energy - road to ruin
Energy and interaction - the cornerstone. This is the key to everything. For health and disease. To failure and luck. By foresight. By working out of karma. And even in the afterlife.
If the driver turned the steering wheel the wrong way - the car crash into a tree. If our power turned back on track with - wait for life's disasters, wait, that body will cease to work and it hurts. A man, especially if it is not learned, does not know where it is the right direction. And in general, for our lives right and wrong. Not knowing where the right way, the person may very well go wrong along the way, until prozreet, assuming that behaved improperly and thereby ruining themselves. It's like a drug addict, who knows no other way to freedom, inner harmony, to experience the fullness of life and looking for all this drugs. He does not know the time, killing myself, because every regular dose of the drug gives him temporary relief, and improves its condition. And he does not know how to improve their status in another way. The result - death.
What is wrong most of the people chosen path? And where is it, this is the right direction for our energy?
Mistake made by many people is that they direct all their energy to the world of material, physical, instead of directing it towards its energy-substance. People do not know that the material, physical world, the world economically oriented society drains our energy superpower as a vampire, not giving absolutely nothing in return.The material world we serve, consuming our health, happiness, harmony, because we voluntarily give herself to him completely, give all their vitality. After all, we are accustomed to consider as we have always taught in schools and institutions that, apart from the material world, in nature and there is nothing that this material world there is the master that he is the only and unique, and that he owes us to ensure the welfare, happiness, comfort and prosperity, because we have no one to do it.
In this - the most important, the most fatal mistake of mankind. Because in fact material, physical world in our universe you do not charge. Moreover, it plays a very small, supporting role. And it is useless to give him all his strength. What really matters - a world of energy information.
It is energetic and the world, we must learn to give up their energy. This is the only proper course for the circulation of our energy. After all, energy-field, in contrast to the material world, generously pays for the resulting energy from us.

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