понедельник, 26 декабря 2011 г.

war of 1812

Many enemies saw our homeland, many Voigt led the Russian army. There have been life-threatening moments: a little weaker than would have been - have disappeared from the face of the earth b. Disparate and warring with each other principalities came from the East won the warlike Mongols, led by Chingizid. And with great difficulty managed to collect all the Russian lands into a single state.Century is gone. Already united our country was fighting for the security of its borders, and even for the salvation of others (even today it is possible to say "them") peoples of the Orthodox faith from extinction warlike neighbors. In such wars - for safety on long lines - it took another couple of centuries. And Napoleon started a war far from St. Petersburg and Moscow - in Western Europe. Suvorov stormed the Alps, not knowing defeat. And suddenly again in our land the enemy was. A powerful enemy. Skilled warriors, excellent modern weapons. Possession of military tactics in soverschshenstve polkovozhdets led the soldiers to Russia. Tea is not to beat the Turks and even the Swedes. The combined forces of Western Europe have moved to Moscow. The best hands in Europe, the best cavalry. And beat them by our ancestors. Dali's role model. And so valuable to the modern Russian people the memory of the Napoleonic wars. Then came the First World (aka The Second Patriotic War, and it is an imperialist), and the Great Patriotic War, but this is the War of 1812 The first sets the standard of war, a single large country against a powerful enemy. The study of war (and peace) of the era, which is called Napoleon, and is dedicated to this project.
The core of the project are 1812w.ru materials previously published by me in the pages of the portal Chronos, world history on the Internet. But this article are available and have supplemented with illustrations. This site is specially made to collect material here about the Great Patriotic War of 1812. And will go beyond the limits outlined, so you, the reader can easily go to the link at the base portal.

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