Paper money during the Russian-Japanese War and World War IRussian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. was the first serious test for Russian gold standard. The Government, with the first significant difficulties not resist the temptation to finance the war by issuing credit notes. Already been procured royal decree on the termination exchange. Then they would all have been worth the effort would be wasted and the monetary system would return to the pre-reform state. But this did not happen. While issuing the law and has been broken, but only marginally.Unsubstituted gold credit cards over the statutory rate of 300 million rubles were issued in small denominations of 47 million rubles.Managed not only to maintain the gold reserve, but also increase it during the war to 122 million rubles. After 1905 the gold reserves continued to grow rapidly. Gradually withdrawn from circulation and replaced with gold coins, banknotes small denomination. Gold plating of the outstanding bank notes before and after the war was over 100%, ie was extremely strong (gold plating, for example in 1900 was 170% in 1911 - 117%).By the beginning of World War I monetary circulation in Russia is in full bloom. On January 1, 1914 credit cards were in the amount of 1664 million rubles. The gold reserve of the State Bank was 1695 million rubles, of which 1528 million rubles were inside the country and 167 million rubles abroad, provided that the gold plating of tickets for 101.8%, and left right to issue free, ie not used in the amount of 330.5 million rubles. Banknotes were in circulation amounting to 2231 million rubles, including coins gold at 494.2 million rubles, complete with silver at 123 million rubles, swap silver for 103 million rubles, copper by 18 million rubles.The war forced to extend right to issue the State Bank. Act of July 27, 1914 exchange banknotes for gold was suspended. Russia, like all the other belligerents, has returned to the paper money circulation. The same law to the State Bank had the right to increase the production of banknotes, not substituted in gold, from 300 to 1500 million rubles, but in subsequent years of the war issue has risen to 6,500 million rubles.The number of banknotes in circulation has increased almost sixfold. At the same time increased the gold reserves and providing them, but at least with respect to paper money ratio. If the beginning of the war gold was more than credit cards, then by 1917 the gold standard was only 40%. This situation can not be a bad thing was, if not for sending nearly 20% of the gold reserve for the provision of credit to England. Secured credit cards that gold could serve as intended to pay for military contracts and interest on loans and as such are not available to the State Bank.Thus, the actual percentage of gold reserves to the mass of banknotes was on January 1, 1917 only 16.2%.Despite the huge increase in the amount of money in circulation, the ruble was relatively high. Transactions in loans were replaced by cash payments, cash payments to families of peasants called into the army, flocked to the village where the stash, and disappeared from circulation.For 33 months, from 1 July 1914 to March 1, 1917 the number of circulating paper money had increased in 6.7 times, which was to devalue the ruble by about 15 cents. In fact, the ruble fell within the country to 25 cents, and on the international market to 56 cents. The internal devaluation of the currency, in contrast to the observed in similar cases in other countries, was ahead. External depreciation constrained billions in loans that Russia has received from its allies, especially Britain and France, and those that are government then pursued to resolve the foreign exchange market and monetary relations.Formation of the Soviet monetary systemWhen in 1917 in Russia there was a bourgeois revolution, the masses of people decided it was time to fulfill their dreams of. Demanded from the government to reduce working hours, raise wages, increase benefits for families and rations to the army intended to provide loans to industrialists, to take over the food supply of plants, factories and railroads fuel. While the state budget finally lost his balance, the public credit has been significantly undermined, both within the state and abroad.Provisional Government had no choice but to expand the right to issue the State Bank not only to finance the war, but also to cover fiscal deficits.All were released on the paper money 9553.6 million rubles. The total amount of paper money in circulation on November 1, 1917 was 19 574.7 million rubles. Rate of paper money increased by more than four times that could not affect the growth of commodity prices. The purchasing power of the ruble dropped to 8 ¾ penny.The news of the almost bloodless February revolution was met at London and Paris stock exchanges appreciation of the ruble on a few points, but in the first 1.5 months of existence of the Provisional Government, it has not undergone significant changes. The April event, clearly showing the true state of affairs in the country, contributed to the rapid depreciation of the ruble.The first event of Soviet power in the sphere of currency was the capture of banking institutions: the main office of the State Bank, the expedition of Storing of government securities, the Mint.In November 1917, was released in the circulation of money in the amount of 6717.6 million rubles. Emissions increased in comparison with October of that year at 131%. Outstanding bank notes were of imperial Russia and the Provisional Government - credit cards in 1917, and Treasury bills advantage of 20 and 40 rubles, received popularly known as "kerenki."In January at the State Bank and nationalized private banks was organized by the People's Bank of the RSFSR.Since the October Revolution, there are several stages in the policy of the Soviet authorities in the field of circulation of money.The first phase covers the period from October 1917 until the end of 1918 This was the time when cost estimates were made without and plans and credit cards were printed as needed, issuing operations were without regulation by any legislative norms.On January 1, 1918 the country was in a different circulation of bank notes amounting to 26 billion 313 million rubles, which is 17 times greater than on January 1, 1914 Due to the urgent need for small denomination banknotes were put into circulation bond revoked earlier loans, and vouchers interest-bearing securities of the State Nobility Land Bank, the Peasants' Land Bank. Gained pace to issue credit cards royal sample of 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 rubles.Decree of the Central Executive Committee on January 21, 1918 were entered into circulation on a par with multicolored banknotes tickets of the State Treasury. They are produced monthly for 9 and 12 months. Were taken 5% of short-term obligations of the State Treasury. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of February 12, 1918 were issued on a par with banknotes of 5% bonds, "Liberty Loan" in 1917Circular of the Central Office of the People's Bank of the RSFSR of 26 April 1918 were entered into the circulation coupons of state credit market for the period from 1 January 1908 to December 1, 1917 Some of them are coupons on tickets the first and second internal 5%-GOVERNMENTAL with payoffs of loans in 1864 year mortgage bond coupons from the noble land of the State Bank, coupons on bonds 6% loan-tion, coupons of 5% of the mortgage-GOVERNMENTAL sheets of the former Society of mutual land credit, coupons from the bonds of the Russian 4% of the loan, bond coupons of 5% of the Russian -tion of the State Loan of 1906, coupons on bonds 5 ½%-Nogo military short-term loan in 1915, and others.In April 1918, were issued checks to reduce the issuing of paper money. From May 1918 to all state agencies were required to take the cash in the bank and also to calculations by the bank. Limited amount of cash to private individuals. At the same time taking measures to attract money from the public as deposits. Were lifted restrictions to the issuing banks and savings banks from cash made after January 1, 1918 In June 1918, had been instructed to alert the public about the broad immunity contributions made after January 1, 1918.One of the objectives aimed at reviving the economy, was the replacement of the outstanding bank notes with new ones. It was supposed to exchange rubles per ruble of new money the old ones. Owners of large sums could be exchanged only part of the money. The plan was to appoint a short period, during which wants to exchange the money was supposed to submit a written statement specifying the best of its money.Monetary reform was supposed to spend the autumn of 1918, but this was prevented by the civil war. With the dismantling of the state apparatus has collapsed the existing system of taxation. With the cancellation of the debt was canceled royal royal credit.On gold, providing endless sea of paper money, say and do not have to. The gold is abroad, was confiscated by the former allies of the Entente. Cash gold reserve in the State Bank (on October 23, 1917) amounted to 1292 million rubles. However, after the gold (worth about 300 million rubles) was captured by Kolchak, and the part went to the expense of the indemnity to Germany, the gold reserve amounted to no more than 400-450 million rubles, or 0.81% of the issued credit cards.The Soviet government took steps to preserve and replenish precious metals and foreign currencies. July 22, 1918 were prohibited purchase, sale and storage of precious metals in their raw form, bullion and coins. September 17 was accepted by the People's Commissariat of Finance on the Prohibition of credit operations with agencies outside of the RSFSR.During the Civil War, the depreciation of money faster than the rate of their release into circulation (ticket worth 10 000 was a one penny in 1913 prices). Large-scale extended local issue.The second stage of the Soviet government policy in the sphere of currency covering the period from the beginning of 1919 until the second half of 1921.The first Soviet money appeared in March 1919 in accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of February 4, 1919 These were the so-called settlement marks the RSFSR of 1, 2 and 3 BR. Making them was carried out based on the emblem of the RSFSR. They were popularly known as "Soviet notes."II All-Russian Congress of Economic Councils formulated a new policy direction of Soviet power in the sphere of money circulation, by resolution, which was the following: the socialist reorganization of the economy calls for the removal of the old capitalist relations of production, eventually eliminating the influence of money on the ratio of household items, elimination of private economic institutions .People's Commissariat of Finance are required to take measures to control money circulation. Thus, when the supply of the nationalized industries, not only abolished payment of materials, but also a record of their value in the books of the counting.Exchange of manufactured goods for agricultural products was performed in kind.Abolished all cash taxes, as well as payment for providing all kinds of public services. Wages gradually acquired the form naturooplaty. By 1920, 93% of the issued wage workers and employees of essential commodities and only 7% cash signs.As a temporary economic base appeared requisitioning, which from January 11, 1919 extended to the whole territory of the RSFSR. Trade in grain and other essential foodstuffs for "free" market was forbidden. The consequences of emissions affect mostly the peasantry, as all paper money flow fell into the village.Requisitioning and issuing job for free rations dramatically narrowed the commodity-money relations. Buying and selling using the currency was limited and in fact there was only "free" market, where the shortage of commodities and speculation prices rose with astonishing rapidity. In January 1920, retail prices in Moscow markets have risen compared with 1913, more than 6000 times, and in December the same year - 30 000 times.Cash payments in the form of a limited preserved between cooperative and state trade organizations, between government and handicraft enterprises - suppliers of goods. The People's Bank of the RSFSR in these conditions, loss of function of the bank and began to study only the distribution of money.Thus, the money was successively removed from the relationship between the state and citizens, institutions and agencies. Accordingly, all rules established for the circulation of money, were discarded. Banknotes are changing their appearance.According to the decree of February 4 of 1919 was launched the calculated signs, in which the obligation to exchange gold disappears and is replaced by the phrase "available to all property of the republic." The decree of May 15, 1919 People's Bank has the right to issue bank notes in excess of standards established by the decree of October 26, 1918, within the requirements of the economy in banknotes.And finally, January 29, 1920 The People's Bank of the RSFSR is converted to the Budget and Payments Office, which is assigned to the usual functions of the Treasury and at the same time the production and distribution of banknotes. At that ended the second period of currency of the RSFSR. With the transition to the NEP estimates were signs of change.Within 30 months, ie from 1 January 1919 to July 1, 1921, the amount of paper money increased by 38.5 times, which was to devalue the currency to 0.0034 penny, and yet she fell to 0.000262 penny.Emission has reached such proportions that the market responded to her advances rising prices. Cash account, even in private households was carried out in the millions. If the former Soviet notes in 1919 had a nominal 1, 2 and 3 of the ruble, is already in circulation in 1921 were issued by the obligations of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic worth 10 million rubles.The policy of "war communism" had no prospects. To cancel the money out of trade and the transition to direct distribution of vital goods did not exist objective conditions. Out of the situation was this: to restore trade and monetary relations in full throughout the country, to eliminate egalitarianism, target production for profit.One of the main difficulties faced by starting to develop and implement free trade principle of material interest, was connected with the absence of a strong currency.In the creation of the Soviet monetary system important to the stabilization of the ruble exchange rate, reduction in output is not backed by gold currency.The third stage of monetary policy, which lasted from mid-1921 to 1922, characterized by the recovery of the money economy. Money again become paramount.In the NEP period practically the whole industry was removed from the state centralized supplies and translated into self-supporting. In the system of procurement of agricultural products were replaced with requisitioning food tax.Thus, the transition to the NEP was accompanied by a comprehensive development of commodity-money relations, thanks in no small measure contributed to the removal of natural rations to workers and employees, free use of transportation, utilities, return to the payment of wages in money.During the period of the NEP in order to protect banknotes from an impairment in the calculation of wages has been introduced conventional solid probe - "commercial" ruble. Money paid at the rate of Sovznaks "trademark" of the ruble on pay day. Money received as deposits in savings banks, expressed in "gold" rubles and Soviet paper rubles were issued at the rate of "gold" ruble at day withdrawal of the deposit.Despite the ongoing issue, a few, though delayed, falling purchasing power nearly to a halt.When prices stopped growing and the money gained some stability, the People's Commissariat of Finance to the existing 2.3 trillion in outstanding bank notes issued by another 14 trillion, that is seven times more than in all previous hard for the state between 1914 and 1921. In this regard, in November 1921 with the process of depreciation of the ruble began to develop again in January, when the December issue has been implemented, has reached frightening proportions. Thus, for the first half of the NEP, that is, from 1 July 1921 to January 1, 1922, the amount of money put into circulation increased by about 7.5 times.Impairment assumed such proportions that it became difficult to count the money, so they had to use numbers, quite unusual in the life daily use. In order to facilitate market-based calculations, the government resorted to a denomination that is, to the enlargement of the monetary unit and replacement of old banknotes for new ones.Value lay only in denominations that simplified cash payments in the national economy and reduced money supply in circulation. However, the denomination can not be viewed as a process of stabilization money.December 12, 1921 was published by the Central Executive Committee decree "On the establishment of the State Bank." The purpose of his creation - to promote development of industry, agriculture and trade, to establish the correct currency.Agreements were signed between the RSFSR and the republics of the Caucasus to include them in a unified monetary system, which had already united the RSFSR, the Ukraine and Belarus.Intervention and civil war led to the country of various governments, most of whom produce their own banknotes. Unified state system of currency collapsed. Total production in Russia in those years there were about 5,000 species of banknotes of various origin and name.As a rule, the change of government or government in the area have changed and banknotes. Some issuers have followed the easy path, or making perforiruya overprint on the existing banknotes (for example, the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, Samara Provisional Government), while others let their coupons (eg, Crimean government, Grand Don Army). Local emissions were not only counter-revolutionary governments, but also on the instructions of the Soviet Government. This was due to the fact that there were certain difficulties with the delivery of banknotes in various parts of the country in terms of ongoing military operations. The right to have a local issue, Yekaterinburg, Arkhangelsk, Samara, Astrakhan, Rostov and other cities and regions.Thus, the circulation during the formation and consolidation of Soviet power marked by numerous local currency issues.As mentioned above, local emissions were caused by rupture of the original links to the Center, and later there were such factors as the lack of small denominations in circulation. And with the further collapse of the monetary economy became more pronounced global money "hunger."Under these conditions, and appeared in numerous local currency notes of various kinds: cooperative bonds, small change signs when using public transport, settlement marks issued by municipal authorities as well as individual agencies, factories, mills, shops, dining, theaters, and various societies etc. Local banknotes were a number of like-parsing-wide monetary system.Money substitutes issued in the form of checks, receipts, cards, stamps and so on.There are handwritten vouchers, money, made on a variety of materials: on the matter, the cardboard. To give an exhaustive description of a highly complex and varied process of emergence, development and elimination of local emissions of money is almost impossible and not necessary.With regard to local issues forced the Centre had to be some kind of flexibility. On the one hand, the principle of unity of a national monetary system required a separate non-issues. On the other hand, financial difficulties and divisions of the Centre in the outskirts were forced to temporarily retreat from this principle.However, as soon as possible steps were taken towards the unification of the monetary system on a national scale. In the end all, without exception, the local currency of issue one way or another have merged with the country's total monetary system.The most important stimulus to the rejection of the emission of a separate policy was the stabilization of the ruble.In preparation for monetary reform in the country were two denominations of public money. When the denomination in November 1921, RR 1 sample in 1922 was equivalent to 10 000 of all previously issued and outstanding money.Denominations of the sample 1922 values from 1 to 10 000 were performed graphically more carefully than the issues of the war years, but firmly established among the people called "Soviet notes," at once turned to him. As a result, a huge first denomination of paper money was withdrawn from circulation. The king's credit, the Duma money, "kerenki" various securities and the coupons to them have been replaced by a single state monetary signs, secured, as they stated, "all property of the republic."The first denomination has not solved all the challenges it faces. In March-April 1922 the XI Congress of the RKP (b), which extensively discussed the financial problem.In order to regulate the financial system congress outlined measures aimed at increasing revenues and eliminating the budget deficit.May 20, 1922 decree of the Central Executive Committee was declared the first internal short-term loan, which addressed the interests of various segments of the population. Bond loan issued in a kind of "bread" currency denominations from 1 to 100 tons of rye. They were received to offset tax in kind contributions. The peasants, therefore, does not need to carry on the grain receiving points and also had the opportunity to freely dispose of its surplus.Then, by decree of October 31, 1922, was released on winning a gold loan. It was designed for 10 years. Loan bonds were denominated in gold terms. The holders of the loan received 6% per annum and have purchased the right to participate in the draws of prizes, which were held twice a year.A little later, were issued bond loan and second bread payment obligations of the Central People's Commissariat of Finance offices of the RSFSR in 1923.After placing the loan in October 1922 was re-denominated. 1 new ruble of the sample in 1923 was equal to 100 rubles in 1922, or the sample to 1 million rubles of any earlier marks.Denaturalization economy in the conditions of the NEP, the development of commodity-money relations were reflected in the name of money: instead of "settlement letters" they were officially named "The state bank notes."Also in April 1922 were issued interest-free term obligations in denominations of 5, 000 and 10 000 rubles per ruble of the sample in 1922 for general circulation in the USSR in 1922-1923 years along with credit notes, clearing the signs and obligations of the RSFSR, 1921. Walking these commitments provided before January 1, 1924, but by subsequent decisions, they were repaid ahead of schedule.Followed by the release of the obligations of issue of bank notes of the State Bank of the RSFSR sample of 1922. They were intended to increase the working capital of the State Bank without further expansion issue banknotes. In contrast to the outstanding devalued currency bank notes were provided not less than 25% of their nominal value, precious metals and stable foreign currency exchange rate for gold and 75% is easily achievable in goods, short-term promissory notes and other obligations.State Bank was granted the right to issue bank notes in gold terms of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 ducats. Such action was preceded by a discussion of the names of the new Soviet money.People's Commissariat of Finance offered to name one firm of Soviet currency Feds. Discussed and the more traditional names: ruble, gold piece. The word "ruble" in the nation has long been designated domestic ruble silver coins, gold pieces the same - are foreign. The name "torque" was found to be inadmissible, because during the Civil War some of the non-communist government issued currency notes with the same name.After discussion it was decided to name the new currency, gold pieces in the hope that the word is associated in the minds of people with a solid gold backing of money and had to be credible. In contrast to previously issued paper money was a ducat credit money. Release motivated by expediency ducats in the decision of the CPC need to increase working capital and the settlement currency.At this stage there was a parallel circulation in the country ducats and depreciated currency until the completion of the monetary reform with the full withdrawal of Soviet notes. Value for ducats and determined Sovznaks special quotation Commission.Bank notes in 1922 kept by the payment until the currency reform in December 1947, and were practically replaced by new types of tickets early 30s.The country was on the way to stabilize the currency. By the end of 1923 gold piece on the domestic market of the payment transaction has replaced gold coin and foreign currency. On October 16, 1924 gold pieces of paper were produced in 557.5 million. They were provided by 131 million rubles in gold coins and bullion, to 7 million rubles platinum bullion, at 103 million rubles, the American, British and Swedish currency, and the rest of the amount of valuable goods.The appearance of ducats made major changes in the monetary system of the country. First, it was money, fully secured by platinum, gold, silver, foreign currencies and commodities increased demand. The state guarantees of ducats were solid: 1 gold piece was exchanged by 8.6 grams of pure gold. Second, the firm be dependent quantity produced in the treatment of ducats to the needs of trade. Thus, for the first time since the revolution appeared in the country lending money, the issue of which laid the foundation for monetary reform in the country.In the first phase sphere of circulation of ducats was very narrow. At par, they were accepted only in payment of government fees and charges, calculated in gold. The fact that in 1921 an attempt was made to enter the calculation of prices in gold rubles. To this end, monetary authorities set the price of gold on the leased enterprises, timber, transportation of passengers by rail and water transport. But the calculus of the price of gold in circulation, while maintaining impaired Sovznaks itself is not justified and was canceled. In gold were calculated only customs duties and consular fees. Still firmly secured gold piece began to gain authority and scope of its treatment has expanded.With the release of gold pieces Soviet notes were seized. Concurrent treatment of stable and depreciating paper money led to considerable difficulties in the economy and hampered trade between town and country. The main concern of business organizations is to maintain its working capital, not to incur losses on the sale of goods. Losses due to impairment reached 30% of the income of workers and employees. Even more farmers suffered losses as gold piece as a major currency in the country did not penetrate. There was a kind of currency wall between town and country. The absence of hard money complicated the work of state and cooperative organizations.With the release into circulation gold pieces took on a regular basis to determine its price in the Soviet notes. So, on December 1, 1922 1 gold piece was equal to 117 rubles banknotes sample of 1922, to January 1, 1924 - 80 000 banknotes of the same model year.Soviet notes during the currency reform in relation to ten rubles were small money.Along with the role of currency swap played so-called transport certificates.These certificates were issued in September 1923 and were intended to increase the working capital of the People's Commissariat of Communications (NCSR). They were required to accept in payment of all transportation and other services, rail, sea and river transport. Admission to the payments and repayments made at the rate of gold ruble established by quotation Commission. In terms of depreciation certificates Sovznaks NCSR have been universally recognized as a stable currency change money in gold terms, in relation to bank notes - ten rubles, steadily penetrating into circulation and expelling Soviet notes. Transportation certificates were withdrawn from circulation in July 1924 after the currency reform.In 1923 were issued by state bank notes of the USSR. They were walking on an equal footing with money signs RSFSR sample in 1923 to the same scale of the monetary unit is the last issue of depreciated paper money. Were removed at the completion of the USSR ruble currency reform in 1924.In February 1924, at the final stage of monetary reform as a stable money advantage less than 1 gold pieces were issued by Government Treasury bills, a sample of the USSR in 1924. Size of issue necessitates trade, namely, not more than half of all outstanding bank notes - ducats. Treasury notes in 1924 were in circulation along with gold coins and tickets to future editions and retain their billing to force reforms in 1947. In practice, they were gradually replaced by new types of tickets, go into circulation in 1925-1938, respectively.From March 10 through June 30, 1924 was made a ransom depreciated currency of the RSFSR and the USSR in 1923 the sample at a fixed rate: 50 000 Sovznaks of 1 new ruble. A further issue of depreciating paper money was stopped on 15 February 1924.As the reform took place unification of the monetary system in the country. Was initiated redemption of banknotes Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. January 30, 1925 was accepted into the single monetary Far East in 1926 - Sakhalin.As a result of the monetary reform of 1922-1924 in the USSR was created stable monetary system. Tickets State Bank of the RSFSR and the state bank notes of the RSFSR were legal tender in the territory not only of the RSFSR, and other former Soviet republics: Ukrainian, Belarusian, the Transcaucasian Federation, united Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.Chervonets significantly strengthened the monetary system of the Soviet state. But the difficulty with exchanges in the sphere of circulation remained. In some cases, workers refused to receive their salaries in hard, but extremely inconvenient ducats.Here and there in the field attempts to create swap surrogates. Individual enterprises produced receipts estimated face value was calculated as a fraction of gold pieces. Receipts for these workers may have lunch in the canteen or shop at the store working supply. To ensure the longevity of receipts, they stamped out of copper, bronze or aluminum.In preparation for the minting of the coin of People's Commissars issued a decree banning the issuance of money substitutes. It was announced that such activities will be considered as counterfeit money. The resolution stated that the issue contributes to impairment of private bank notes, money market clogs and erodes trust in public money.After completing the preparation for the release of the coin in circulation March 2, 1924 in "News" was published second decision on monetary surrogates in the USSR, which, inter alia, stated: "Absolutely prohibited all state, cooperative and private organizations, businesses and output without special permission from the NKF USSR any money had surrogates such as the payment warrants to bearer, the bearer of cash receipts for the goods and the like bodies are entitled to make NKF immediately sealing the offices of organizations and businesses that would violatesaid decree, and enter the appropriate authorities with a proposal to eliminate the aforesaid organizations and businesses. "When was launched small coins had to place some orders for coinage in Britain, as Soviet coin factory could not cope with the pace with which absorbed the sphere of circulation of the coin. Small coin crisis was largely overcome by the beginning of 1925.Paper money of the country 1925-1998During the period from 1924 to 1947 was released a few types of state bank notes (sample 1924, 1925, 1926, 1928, 1932, 1934, 1937 and 1938) and payment obligations (sample 1924 and 1928), but no significant changes in the monetary system has not occurred.Despite the hardships during the Great Patriotic War, the monetary system was characterized by relative stability. It was stipulated that the population was supplied with food and manufactured goods on cards and at fixed prices. During the war people made voluntary contributions, thus reducing the amount of additional emissions. Since the war the volume of commodity weight greatly reduced, the treatment appeared the extra money. In addition, in the occupied territories in large quantities were produced forged banknotes. This situation complicates the problems of postwar reconstruction of the economy and prevented the abolition of the rationing system.Originally scheduled for a currency reform in 1946, but this was prevented by economic difficulties, in particular, a poor harvest in 1946.In December 1947, were canceled cards for food and industrial goods. All the goods have been set uniform prices: for industrial goods prices are much higher than the rated trade, and the food - were at the level of these prices.All cash funds from the public, businesses, organizations and institutions subject to the exchange ratio of 1 ruble 10 rubles to the new old. For the money placed on deposit or public bonds, set a different procedure for the exchange. Deposits of up to 3 000 remained unchanged for deposits of up to 10 000 3 000 rubles remained unchanged, and all that is in excess of 3000 rubles was changed at a ratio of 3 rubles for 2 rubles old with new. At the same time the conversion was carried out government loans.This reform led to a de facto confiscation of large sums of savings among the population, it is not always the declared exchange rules applied in practice. In addition, the currency reform was carried out in a very short period of time from 16 to 22 December 1947, and in some regions on the list of the Council of Ministers of the USSR - from 16 to 29 December 1947. The reform of 1947 did not introduce changes in the monetary system: currency, the gold content of the ruble, the terms of issue of bank notes and security remain the same.Tickets USSR State Bank ceased to be called gold coins, and their dignity is expressed in rubles. In the appeal were issued tickets to the State Bank of 10, 25, 50 and 100 rubles and the State treasury notes of the USSR in 1947 the sample of 1, 3 and 5 rubles.In 1961, again, it was decided to enlarge the monetary unit. Changing the scale of prices from January 1, 1961 was as follows: all funds, the internal debt, cash income, prices and tariffs were converted at a ratio of 10 rubles per 1 ruble of the old with new. In the appeal were issued banknotes and coins of the sample in 1961.Money exchange was carried out for 3 months: 1 January and 1 April 1961. On January 1, 1961 the ruble gold content was increased to 0.987412 grams of pure gold.In 1991-1993, due to political and inflationary pressures and the collapse of the Soviet Union were first replaced with 50 and 100-ruble banknote banknotes of the USSR. Officially, the need for this reform for several reasons:the fact that in the former Soviet republics left a lot of savings in the Soviet money and these savings will increase inflation in Russiathe fact that there are many counterfeit notes drawn large denominationthat it was necessary to remove the illegal capital, which is stored again in large denominations.After the reform, the state set the prices have risen. On January 1, 1992 have been canceled yet introduced in MS Gorbachev's coupons and prices have been declared free. After that, prices and inflation began to grow rapidly. At the first stage of the Central Bank has held several successive editions of notes more and more high esteem. But in 1994 it was decided to fight inflation and the government, deprived of the usual source of funds, delay start of public employees salaries. This did not lead to desired results. Periodically (before the election and some holidays) salaries partially or fully issued and the public was promised that this will not happen again. Nevertheless, the delay has been repeated over and over again.Gradually, the government has made reducing the inflation rate and prices. In 1997 it was decided to enlargement of the monetary unit. This was due to the fact that there has been little growth in gross national product and inflation is almost close to normal.The reform of 1998 is the enlargement of the ruble in 1000, and unlike previous reforms did not put severe restrictions on the timing and amounts of money exchange. Denominated and non-denominated ("new" and "old"), the money is in circulation at the same time throughout 1998, and after this period, you can freely change the "old" money over the next few years.ConclusionBank notes are of interest as the documentary evidence, reflecting the political events in the country, the economy and finances of the state, the level of industrial development and, in particular, the printing industry. In this paper we attempt to show the main events relating to paper money. These events for more than 200 years of history there were many. Now in the developed world cash, more and more overshadowed. Most of the calculations, due to a developed banking system is in non-cash form, but for Russia it is not true.Paper money were a big step in the evolution of money, but they have largely exhausted their potential. The future belongs to the so-called "electronic" money.Nevertheless, the reform of 1998 recent history of paper money Russia does not end there.
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