понедельник, 26 декабря 2011 г.

Now back to harsh reality

Now back to harsh reality. World Perfect World on the idea must not only famous for designed atmosphere as a whole set of interesting findings. The ability to run fireworks, give flowers, ladies wear on their hands and play the wedding is not found in every MMORPG, in my memory only enjoyed Lineage similar opportunities.Actually, the wedding Perfect World had inherited, along with the game engine.
So looks like fireworks. The game has a lot of them, and each is made with love.But even that does not make the player closer to the world ...Since the creation of the character and to the highest level a player does not leave a sense of purposelessness is happening. At the beginning of the game is almost not there, because you are set, and a new unfamiliar environment influences. But at some point the job is low, and you're left alone with the world, which, however, settled extremely unusual monsters, but the motivation to fight them you do not. And the same type of job in the style of "Kill ten beetles and bring ten boards, which will appear in your inventory after you kill them," do not contribute to the fascination.

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